Susan Brook, NAFEX member from Gustavus, sent some information on 2 publications that might interest Alaska readers. The first, A Grower’s Guide to Pruning Highbush Blueberries is a manual available in VHS format ($27.00 plus $3.00 shipping payable to Oregon State Univ.). Although highbush blueberries do not grow well in Alaska, the information might be useful for anyone interested in growing our wild huckleberries and blueberries. The video illustrates the basics of plant growth-identifying fruit and leaf buds, wood of different ages, and unproductive wood; basic equipment; how to prune plants of different ages; and pruning for speed and machine harvesting. It is available from Publications Orders, Agricultural Communications, Oregon State University, Administrative Services A422, Corvallis, OR 97331-2119.


The second publication concerns cranberries: The Michigan Cranberry Information Package which supplies information on subjects such as cranberry culture and production, industry contacts, the Federal Cranberry Marketing Order, and environmental regulations. It is available for $35.00 from the Horticultural Economic Development Center, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5054. This information is for the bog-grown American cranberry and would be of interest to anyone attempting to grow that plant or Alaska’s wild bog cranberry. The information wound not be directly related to culture of the lingonberry or lowbush cranberry.