Helpful Links
University of Saskatchewan Fruit Program.
Info on their released apple varieties and also on their cherries and honeyberries (haskaps)
The DBG Fruit Growers Group
Alaska Fruit Trees website
UAF Cooperative Extension Service Publications
Suggested searches: Crabapples, Apple tree
Apple Tree Pruning and Care:
North Carolina State University
Pruning An Apple Tree in 5 Easy Steps
Pruning apple trees to a central leader system
Winter Care of Your Fruit Trees
Winter Injury to Trees
Preventing Girdling
What is Grafting – Methods, Techniques & Benefits of grafting
Whip and Tongue graft
How to Graft Apple Trees (Bench Grafting) – Seed Savers ExchangeBackyard Fruit GrowersGrafting Techniques, PennState ExtensionVegetative Propagation Techniques
Soil Testing and Care
Soil Health in Orchards Washington State University
Cooperative Extension Service Kenai Peninsula District Office
Soil Test Interpretation for Alaska Gardens
Brookside laboratories, Inc.
Soiltest Farm Consultants, Inc