
(Columbia X Wealthy)

It originated with the University of Saskatchewan, bred by Dr. C. F. Patterson, selected and tested as A58-308 in 1944, and introduced in 1959. The tree is vigorous, upright spreading, annually productive, and heavy yielding. It is hardy to Zone 2a, and very susceptible to fire blight. The fruit is medium size, 6.5 cm (2.5″) in diameter, and matures in late September. The skin is green, and blushed and striped or sometimes completely bright red. The flesh is greenish-white, very crisp, mildly sub-acid, with excellent flavour. It is good for fresh eating, cooking and stores for at least 10 weeks.

Does not appear to take well on bacatta.

Origin: Saskatchewan

Hardiness: Hardiest

Ripening: Early

Size: Small/Medium


Taste: Sweet and Tart

Uses: Cooking and Dessert

Rating: 8
