My coldest temperature was -46°F in late November, 1990 when we had very little snow cover.
The following plant showed no winter injury:
Apples: Antonovka, Battleford. Centennial, Chinese Golden Early, Dawn, Dolgo, Duchess of Oldenburg, Gravenstein Red. Heyer 12, Heyer 20, Lords Seedling, Morden 363, Norcue, Norda, Noret, Norson, Norland, Orenco, Oriole, Parkland, Primate, Ranetka crab. Rescue. Rosthern 15, Rosthern 18, State Fair, Sunnybrook, Tyrustrup, Vista Bella, Viking, Wallace, Westland and Wien crab.
Stone fruits and misc: Assiniboine plum, Manchurian plum, Nanking cherry, ground cherry, pin cherry, buffalo berry, buarnut nut, butternut nut, European filbert nut, Hybrid Hazel nut and Arctic Beauty kiwi.
The following showed very slight tip injury (3 inches or less) Apples: Breakey, Discovery, Early Joe, Imperial Gaia, Kerr, Lowland Raspberry, Norhey, Noran. Royal Gala, Yellow Transparent (Brewer Strain). Stone fruit and misc.: Americana plum, Sapa plum, Toka plum, sand cherry, aannaberry and gooseberry.
The following had 10% kill: Apples: Duchess, Morden 359 Stone fruit: Underwood plum, Oka cherry plum
The following had 20% kill Apples: Summer Scarlet Stone fruits: Compass and Red Diamond Cherry plum
The following had 30% kill: Apples: Early Harvest. Live- land Raspberry Stone fruits and misc: Sapalta cherry plum, Ure pear, Minnesota Black walnut.
The following had 40% kill: Apples: Chestnut crab. Douglas Wormless, Empire, Jeffris. Liberty, Mantel, Quinte, Red June and Tydeman Red. Stone fruits & misc.: Pipestone plum, John pear, Nova pear, Russian mulberry.
The following had 50% kill: Apples: Canada Reinette, Harralred, Hiburnal, Melba Red, Red Baron, Sharon Stone fruit: North Star Cherry.
The following had 60% kill: Apples: American Summer Pearman, Early Blaze Seedling, Sweet, Trail, Wellington, Yellow Transparent’
The following had 70% kill: Apples: Akane, Harralson, Hazen, Irish Peach, July Red, Mandan, Puritan, Summer Rose, Whitney crab.
The following barely made it: Apples: Anoka, Atlas, Britemae, Champlain, Crimson Beauty, Dudley, Early Cortland, Henry Clay, Goney Gold, King David, Lowell, Maidens Blush, Marlin Stephens, Milton. Niagara, Red Astrachan, St. Francis, St. Lawrence, Sunrise, Tetovsky. Stone fruit: Mesabi plum.
The following died: Apples Autumn Delight, Fam-euse, McIntosh, New York 652, Richardson, Scott Winter, Sweet Bough.
Clair hammers
1364 Esro Road
Fairbanks, AK