Lonicera caerulea pollination

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    Hi all. I have a friend with a singular honeyberry bush. She says she gets a “ton” of fruit of this bush and only has the one bush. She has had this bush since the 1990’s. I’ve always been told you need two unrelated varieties for pollination because L. caerulea are obligatory cross-pollinators. I’ve actually heard several folks have singular bushes and get fruit. What’s the scoop honeyberry experts??


    Deb – I asked around to a few folks in the club who had knowledge of haskaps. Here are the answers I got

    From Kevin Irwin: someone (neighbor) obviously has a compatible plant for cross pollination. One needs to remember wind and bees can carry pollen quite a ways. If Haskaps were truly self fertile Dr. Bors would have that information in many of his writings so as mentioned wind and/or bees are the culprit!

    From Gary Masog: Being self fruit full is unusual. Nothing in all of my readings on Haskaps have ever mentioned it except to say you may get a small fruit set with out a near by haskap.

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